Hola, #FinalFour
All is well.
Teresa is on fire again - she is hyped for her baptism on Sunday.
We got a new senior couple in Wilkes Barre - where were you when you needed you two months ago...?!! They in two days have already been so helpful. Their son is actually the Director of Missionary Work at the MTC and I went out teaching with him when I was an Assistant. It was cool, now his parents are my senior couple! Small world!
Elder Sandberg is a stud. We are having a great time.
We had 11 people at our Book of Mormon class this week - it was awesome. It was interesting. I noticed something I hadn't noticed before as I read. When Nephi and his brothers were commanded to go get the brass plates from King Laban in Jerusalem, they at first decided who would go up by casting lots -- leaving it up to chance.... that failed. The second time they brought all of their wealth with them in hope to exchange the plates for their gold and silver -- that failed too. The THIRD time Nephi followed the Spirit.... the task was accomplished. It just goes to show that luck/chance/wealth cannot accomplish the purposes of God -- only the Spirit can.
We have mostly been focusing on bringing back less actives/inactives. We have seen some great progress!
We had a mission conference this week with Elder Kipsochki (not sure how to spell it) of the Seventy. He was great. I had a neat experience - well kind of, but that's for another time!
We are staying pretty darn busy. I'm not sure how its mid-June already, but alright.
I read a devotional by Elder Oaks from October 2003 about timing --
“The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His timing. If we can truly believe He has our welfare at heart, may we not let His plans unfold as He thinks best?
Proclaiming the gospel is His work, not ours, and therefore it must be done on His timing, not ours. There are nations in the world today that must hear the gospel before the Lord will come again. We know this, but we cannot force it. We must wait upon the Lord’s timing. He will tell us, and He will open the doors or bring down the walls when the time is right. We should pray for the Lord’s help and directions so that we can be instruments in His hands to proclaim the gospel to nations and persons who are now ready—persons He would have us help today. The Lord loves all of His children, and He desires that all have the fullness of His truth and the abundance of His blessings. He knows when groups or individuals are ready, and He wants us to hear and heed His timetable for sharing His gospel with them.
If we have faith in God and if we are committed to the fundamentals of keeping His commandments and putting Him first in our lives, we do not need to plan every single event—even every important event—and we should not feel rejected or depressed if some things—even some very important things—do not happen at the time we had planned or hoped or prayed. Commit yourself to put the Lord first in your life, keep His commandments, and do what the Lord’s servants ask you to do. Then your feet are on the pathway to eternal life. Then it does not matter whether you are called to be a bishop or a Relief Society president, whether you are married or single, or whether you die tomorrow. You do not know what will happen. Do your best on what is fundamental and personal and then trust in the Lord and His timing."
In faith,
Elder Wilde