It’s Your Son!
Hello, Hello!
It isn't my P day
today, but they gave us the chance to write home for a few minutes to let you
know that I am alive! It has been a crazy three days to say the least... I
literally have no time to myself, we are CONSTANTLY doing something which I am
actually happy about because if I wasn't occupied, I would probably think about
home, friends, family all that kind of stuff and get somewhat depressed.
I am
SO lucky, I have a sweet MTC companion. His name is Elder Wagner. He's pretty
chill. I am in a residence with four people which include myself. The other two
people we room with are WAY sweet. I actually like them so much, they are so fun. Their names are Elder Nebeker and Elder Smith. Both really fun guys. They same
to be enjoying time with me as well. We are all constantly laughing and
smiling. They also make jokes with me and what not. It's been such a good time. I
was seriously so nervous that I was going to get called to a weird MTC
companion and then room with weird people, but I definitely got what I wanted
I am seriously starving through the day. We hardly get anytime for food
and then by the end of the day, we are all SO exhausted and hungry, so we all go
to the vending machine and get the crappiest food, but it feels so nice at the
end of the day lol.
Anyway, these past three days have been honestly so
great.... I literally have worked the hardest I ever have. I have been so on
top of everything and have learned so much... It's incredible the amount of things
you can learn and feel in such a short period of time. I told my companion and
other elders I room with, "I made a choice to come here, leave everything
behind, so if I am going to do this, I am going to do this right and work my
butt off so these two years go by fast."
Anyway, I have to e-mail my
mission president, so i have to go, but I hope you guys are having a wonderful
time in Tahoe. If you want to send me any food..... that would be more than
lovely lol. Also, I leave for Philly next Monday, the first of September. In a super
big rush right now - gotta go!
- Elder Wilde
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